Perfection vs Fineness | Mini Blog 1

Good, better, Best is all about keeping on progressing and not being stuck at a point. Presenting to you my theory Perfection vs Fineness In life one could strive for perfection, but I suggest strive for Fineness. Why? Let me explain with an example A brick is perfect once all sides are proper and it's solid, there is no scope for improvement in this now. 90 degree angle can't be perfected any more. This is what perfection is all about attaining certain limited standards. Now let me talk about Fineness, Long ago man invented some rough cloth like the one we make sack out of, eventually he could make a finer fabric like jute with time he made more finer fabric like linen, cotton, silk etc and in today's time we have such a variety of fine Fabrics that we use. Now imagine what if man would have stopped at the sack clothing thinking that he has perfected making sack cloth let's continue with that forever after. Would we ever have fine fabrics as we have today. ...