Love & Life

You see love is the best and the worst thing present in this world. You will never know when you are stuck in it and you will never know when you will be struck by it. Its just the matter of time until you gain your presence in somebody else's world and its only matter of few moments when you will lose it. You might meet people who will do whatever it takes to make their love happy and cherishing. Some would choose the hard way to show their love whereas some guys only need only their eyes. Girls would think their guy to be their knight and shining armor and boys would always want their girl to be a beautiful princess. But love is beyond that. Love surpasses every bloody unusual, uncommon and stupid thing to reach the stupidest point. Love is never based upon the way a person looks.
Try to imagine for a while that your partner is caught in a accident and it damages their whole look, will you have the guts to look at them the same way you earlier did? If yes then that is love fellas and if it is not please try to do a favour to yourself and get away. There are lot of misconceptions about love. Some say they would never want to live their entire life with only one person. Is it bloody a dress that has kept on for trial? Love is bloody so heavenly.  It is replenished with every single moment with your love. And who says that will be a walk in the park? Who says its going to be only sweet and tasty? If it is not hard, if its is not difficult to get it is not a unique love. These days love has become so fickle. Or at least the ones who are falling in love are. They think "if at all the things wont work out with the recent one, its no problem. They will surely someone new and so will i." Why do you fall for such definition of love then? Is Everlasting and consummated love thought to be only in few emotional movies and novels? Why cant people give their everything to make it work? Why do they have to run from it? Some say if you really love that person you should let it go. Why should it be let to go? Then whats the point in loving that person at the first place? You don't prove your valour if you just let someone go and convince yourself that you did it for their own good. If you think of the real good of that person you will stay in their lives no matter what it takes, no matter how much it hurts you. and that my friends is what a true concept of love is. The people nowadays who all think this way are considered old generation. They are sometimes taken for granted too but i do know some guys who have suffered hell and still are but they haven't broke their promise of love. Their partners did show them that they were wrong to love them but still they believe in the real love and that is the reason why they stickup with them even in hell. Hell yeah, answer me, does your mom and dad leave you alone and throw you out of the house for few reasons and say that they never want to see your face again? Do they? Don't you think there are lots of times where you might have crossed your limits and still they kept that hope in you to continue supporting you? Why do they do that then? And this is the exact reason why society says that you will never get the kind of love that your parents show.
    Dreams, Money , stupid idiocy comes between love these days. Love has become a mere game between people. No one is ready to face the fact that its the heart to heart to connection. Hardly you might find couples who are ready to accept themselves as they are. Hardly there will be couples who will give in everything and still expect nothing from their partner.
Love is not an investment that you need to expect certain output. But in today's generation it has become more than that. Either one of them doesn't agree over the other's choice of his or her life or they simply come to conclusion where they decide they need a break. Why? Why does this happen? You loved that person and cant you just accept his or her choice about something? I say the people who are the luckiest are the ones who have someone with them who hasn't left their side no matter what ordeal has fallen on them. It doesn't mean it always has to b love. You will find your support and pillar in friendship too. But the ones who have these pillars and still they decide to leave them then they are the most uncanny people. When someone is ready to stand by you, to comply your every wish, and not worry about ramifications of that then hold on to that person. That person will never make you ashamed that you trusted them.
Remember life is a race but love never is. It is neither accomplished by going too fast like a rabbit nor by going too slow like a tortoise. Slower one doesn't win here. You need to be firm confident and assuring enough to win the love. Rest all doesn't ever matter. Don't let anything come between your love. If you want to have some choices by yourself, do have them but trust your love and give them a chance. And if they don't stay and welcome your decision its better to let them go, because they never were going to help you reach your peak. Just remember to give them a chance. I am sure if you have found your true love that person will do everything to keep you ahead in your life. Give them a chance because they deserve one. Give them a chance because you have to trust their love. Give them a chance because it will reveal how and who they really are. Give them a chance because you also deserve one chance. I am sure people in love will make most of this chance and those who will not, they never would be with you in your worst times, just leave them to their lives and walk on. Because most certainly they are not the real ones.
Real ones will still be waiting.

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