Chances, mistakes and Life

Hey, do you remember that famous person for whom life went quite smoothly? Yes, the one who always scored the best shot in the first time? One who got away with everything without any risks or chances?

NO, Right

There is no elevator to success; you got to take the steps.

Because one who is well known, famous or leading in a particular field never reached the top by taking a simple route. There is no direct road map to greatness. A regular route may lead to an unexceptional life but doing something extraordinary demands to take the road not taken.  Just observe people who made a mark in the world. They were different from the Status Quo of their times. They took risks, made mistakes, learned more and never gave up.

"The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that's changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks. 

 – Mark Zuckerberg

Taking risks not only for your big goals but also for following your passion and interests. Either you will end up pursuing your greatest achievement or learn the greatest lesson of your life. It’s always better to risk everything you have to get something you want rather than settling for it. Because you are confined only by the limits you set for yourself. Believe your intuition, have the courage to follow your deepest desires. Many people never dare to try out things the new way; they want the guaranteed results no matter how minimal. That’s the biggest reason everyone is not driving a Ferrari.
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All the great things are awaiting you; you just need to take the first step.

Remember people who give up after making mistakes are the ones who are not even willing to accept themselves and change for their own good. You see, there is no such thing as failing at something, you fail only when you quit. So focus on learning from every small or severe mistake you make. Learn to accept your shortcomings and improve to fulfill them and best version of yourself. 

Sometimes we learn the most stupid lessons in life after making the rashest choices and hurtful mistakes. But this does not mean that you are insensitive, so far you learn from these and be wary of making the same blunder again. Remember life never stops teaching us something new. 

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So go out,
  • Take up new challenges.
  • Face your weak points and take every chance to improve them.
  • Don’t give a shit to what they say; they are doing what they can best do.
  • Set a target, accomplish it, and clap for your damn self.
  • Be open to learning and improving for your own good.
Do share this Tact of life with your Loved ones.


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