Better Reading-1 Dream with your eyes Open

Sharing motivational and inspirational stuff feels good. Now I thought of Suggesting Books that have inspired me or my loved ones for a better way to live .Thus this will provide the push towards a improved life and Personal Growth. I would be sharing books relating to Self-Growth, Inspirational Stories, Autobiographies and so on; 
Today Let me share my experience after reading the book Dream with your Eyes Open.

About the Author: Rohinton Soli "Ronnie" Screwvala is an Indian entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is the cofounder of UpGrad, an online education company. He was the founder and CEO of UTV Group, which was founded in the year 1990.
In this book Mr Ronnie screwvala shares his own experiences very frankly you get a very true inside and how company starts runs and becomes a Gargantuan Legacy. If you are the one who wants to live the life to its best.If you want to create your own path in life and make something of your. If you want to go on the entrepreneurial journey and leave a mark on the world. If you are the one who believes in making the most out of Everything and want to turn your life around and your dream of living to the best and not like the majority of people around you and this book is a must read for you.

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If Leadership is what drives you and you want to become a great leader then this book will teach you a lot. And if you want to start your own business someday this is the book you should be reading,

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