Keep your head, heels, and standards high.

Hey Folks, Hope you are doing great in Life. Today's blog post is about thinking big and having the perseverance to achieve the best in Life. What can stop anyone from achieving their goals? Nothing, Until they settle for less than something they deserve. Every choice you make determines the standard you accept for your life.
Most of the people accept the mediocre thinking which exists in minds of around 90% of the crowd around them. 10% if the people around you are the Doers rest all are watchers. People lose their dreams when they accept to become a watcher than a doer. That's the biggest reason why everyone is not driving a Ferrari. If you really have a big goal, have the perseverance to stop and settle only for that goal.
An example that will make you understand and will surely motivate you.
For simplicity and reality let's assume that the big goal is to buy and drink a 500 bucks Starbucks coffeeAnd the assumption is you are earning hand to mouth Income.
So the first step would be to start saving the 500 bucks. You hustle more so that you can save more. Let's say you get till 200 and realize that you are now capable to get a Cafe Coffee Day(
CCD) Coffee. Now comes the decision point
Would you settle for CCD or persevere till you can get the Starbucks?
Let's say you are motivated so you persevere and save the 500 bucks for Starbucks. Now you finally go to Starbucks and order your Cup of Coffee and wait for the Barista to call your name. That feeling is the feeling of your dream coming true. And now you can enjoy your Long awaited goal.
Now think for a moment,
·         What if you never persevered and Saved till here?
·         What if you gave up your Goal on CCD?
·         What if you never went to Starbucks because no friends of yours could join you?
Obviously, you would have no idea what it feels to Hustle, Persevere and finally accomplish your big goals.
Never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about. Remember perseverance and Patience is the Key.

 You get in life what you have the courage to ask for. In order to think clearly, focus and work towards your goals, you must nurture your mind. If you are looking for a better lifestyle or a change for a more fulfilling life. Try doing the following.

Meditation: Daily meditate at least 10 to 15 minutes. You will surely feel the difference. When the mind is calm and relaxed we can get much better outputs. And your body will support you all day. You can start with various apps that help you learn the basics and provide Calm music to get in touch with your inner self.

Reading: Read more. Read whatever you are interested in. Read inspirational, self-help books. Read the books about the fields like business, leadership, biographies etc. These will help you to know how one can get through various phases in life. And will strengthen the above qualities.

Writing: Write about your goals, vision, and plans. Daily maintain a diary and note down the things or actions you could have done in a better manner today. Then improvise.

Go out, Explore: Face real-life situations, you will learn to handle everything once you go out and face it on your own.

Visualization:  Print out some illustrations of how you want to see yourself in the future. Some motivational quotes, your Dreams. Maybe your dream car, your dream role in the company. Having an illustration of your vision makes you strive for it.

Introspection: Focus on becoming the best version of yourself. And never stop learning and growing.

For more ways to get the positive change you want you can go hereThank you for Reading, I hope this piece of article helped you. Do share this with your Loved ones and anyone for whom this might useful. Do share this post your social media accounts, let us spread the good vibes. If you have anything to say, feel free to comment below.

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Positive Mind 😇
Positive Vibes 😊
Positive Life 🌈 
Keep spreading the good Vibes! 


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