Leading a Better Life

“Life is what you make out of it”

LIFE, The four letter word which has a way deeper meaning if you keep pondering upon. Many have devoted their time and intellect in the quest of finding the meaning of life, best way to live life, satiate hunger of the soul and quench the thirst of heart. Thus, everyone has a different ideology about life.

“Life is not about finding yourself, it is about creating yourself”

The above quote gives a great outlook one could have towards life. One must take the initiative in order to create a life one desires. Following our passion, deepest desires and completing the pursuits taken from the heart. There is no guarantee that someday suddenly your brain will strike the purpose of your existence unless obviously you have taken the initiative and following your heart. So rise up, take the steering of your life in your own hands. Stop snoozing up on the things you want to do, follow your heart and be the change you want to see in your life. You will end up making amazing changes in your life. Remember, things seem difficult only till we take them up.

Just remember
“Impossible is Temporary,
Impossible is Potential,
Impossible is Nothing.”

“A life of if only is way better than a life of what if.” Step out! Take Risks you have been meaning to take. Make changes, experiment with yourself, Live a life without regrets. By taking up new risks you will either succeed or learn some lessons that end up helping us back in the future. But by standing aback with doubts and fear we are not getting at a better place. So, Have bigger dreams and importantly have the faith and courage to pursue them. And obviously don’t give a damn to the naysayers. Begin, improve, grow, chase being the best version of yourselves and everything else follows.

Here are some Tact’s of Life:

  • Live and savour the present, As time is already running
  • Be grateful for all that you have
  • Pursue you dreams, passions and fulfil your destiny
  • Be the best version of yourself
  • Learn and grow with everyone i.e. Think win-win
  • Both good and right things take time, So Hang on!
  • When things do not work the way you want, Believe. Life always has a better come back
  • Keep calm and live a life you would love to look back upon.

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